Master of Heritage Conservation – Saiful Fazli Ramli Arch(UTM), B.Arch (Hons)UTM
1.0 TitlePhysical Conservation to Malaysian Government’s Buildings of Heritage Architecture – A Methodology to Building Facility Management.
2.0 Synopsis of Research / AbstractThis research is aimed to evaluate the efficiency in physical conservation to Malaysian government’s buildings with heritage architecture. As the word “conservation” alone refers to guarding of an asset, it is undeniable that conservancy is important for the purpose of preserving a building’s historical values and local identity as well as a solution provider to government’s management of assets and facilities. For instance, the Government would be able to cut on high maintenance expenses without having to lose a building’s neither aesthetic nor historical values by conserving it.
There are two objectives of this research. The first objective is to identify the type of physical conservancy required while the second objective is to analyse the conservation efficiency in the aspect of design planning. This research will identify the main elements in determining the type of conservancy which would require understanding of:
i) its methodology, theory and historical values
ii) new design in old setting,
iii) planning procedure
iv) material conservation towards traditional buildings
v) conservation of finishes
A sample case study will be carried out by selecting several government’s buildings in Australia and Malaysia for the purpose of identifying the method for conservation of the buildings with heritage architecture. The case study will be conducted via literature review and coursework for core subject and elective offered by the university. In short, this research could deliver an idea to Building Facility Management which stresses on conserving the heritage architecture in a Malaysian Government’s building.
3.0 Mission of ResearchTo establish the desired number of expert professionals in the physical conservation for Malaysian government’s buildings of heritage architecture, in line with JKR Strategic Framework 2007-2010’s vision “To become a world-class service provider and centre of excellence in asset management, project management and engineering services for the development of nation’s infrastructure through creative and innovative human capital and state-of-the-art technology.”
4.0 Objective of Research“Heritage Conservation is critical to job creation and poverty alleviation - A good heritage conservation strategy should be linked to the local economy, in order to create jobs and alleviate poverty - particularly in developing countries.”The main objectives of this research are focused on :-
i)to identify the type of physical conservancy required for Malaysian government’s buildings of heritage architecture
ii)to analyse the conservation efficiency in the aspect of design planning, material and finishes.
5.0 Introduction“Heritage Conservation is more than just history - A good heritage conservation strategy incorporates all aspects of a region's heritage - historical, but also natural and cultural. “The exclusive architecture in the historical Sultan Abdul Samad Building (built in 1897), Kuala Lumpur Train Station (built in 1911) and other historical buildings in Malaysia are proof that Malaysia is rich with buildings of historical values.
Based from the inventory research on Malaysian Heritage Buildings conducted by the National Museum in 1992, there are more than 35,000 pre-colonial buildings in 265 town areas that should be conserved. As a matter of fact, rehabilitation of historical buildings is not an effort that is to be shouldered by the government alone. Instead, it should be a collective effort of each individual in the society as these buildings have invaluable aesthetic value and such exclusive architecture for inheritance of future generation.
The importance of conserving the heritage buildings (according to Ahmad, 1997, Fileden, 1997) are:
i)These buildings could have with them archaeological, economic, aesthetic, historical or nostalgic values.
ii)They can stand as an icon or identity to the township and local culture.
iii)The location of these buildings and the surrounding areas may attract the tourist, hence boosting the country’s tourism industry.
iv)Historical buildings may remind us of the pre-colonial days, thus they may invoke sense of patriotism.
In July 2007, the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage of Malaysia had announced the 50 National Heritage Buildings among which are the government’s buildings, such as the Parliament House, National Palace, the Sultan Abdul Samad Buidling, The Cityhall complex, National KTM Train Station, the Kuala Lumpur General Post Office, the Public Works Department, Residency Building Jalan Dato’ Onn, National Mosque, the National Monument and Carcosa Seri Negara.
With this announcement, it is a government’s call to provide the expertise in conserving these buildings in order to ensure each of the building’s identity, historical and architectural values are protected for future generation.
5.1 Definition of ConservationThe Oxford-Fajar (2004:79) Dictionary defines conservation as preservation of the natural form or environment. Burden (2004:62) defines conservation as building management for the purpose of avoiding decay, total loss, abuse or from being abandoned. Burden also opines that building management involves recording of its history and past conservancy approach. Fielden ( (1994:3) opines that conservation is an action taken to avoid decay and it has to consider all actions that can extend the lifespan of cultural heritage and environment in order to impress those who view or use the particular building, of its artistic value. For example, the Conservation Project of the Dutch Era Shophouses located at No. 8 of Heeren Street at Melaka Heritage Zone by the Malaysian Conservation Board. The conservation work was carried out on 3 August 2001 and completed on 21 March 2005. This building double-storey shophouse has been successfully conserved while maintaining its original architectural design which proves that old buildings are conservable to lengthen its lifespan and functioning necessities. (Malaysian Conservation Board, 2006a).
6.0 Scope of ResearchThis scope of research will focus on one of the core agenda, i.e. asset facility management which has been the main target in JKR Strategic Frameworks 2007-2010. The asset facility management is aimed for public buildings such as government offices, schools, army camps and police stations. This research will also focus on the physical conservation efficiency of government’s historical buildings.
This research will focus on government’s buildings and case study on Australian government’s buildings.
This research is proposed to be conducted in Australia as the first choice and the United Kingdom as the second, and the discovery of the research would be used as a model to building conservation efficiency. Also, it is hoped that this research could further develop the scope of expertise in asset facility management, in line with JKR Strategic Framework 2007-2010.
7.0 Research MethodologyThe methodology of this research is based on 3 main aspects:
i)Past literature reviews of this research. The literature review is also conducted on the core and the practice of maintenance management carried out at the public sector.
ii)Case study of more modern government buildings and consistent conservation as a model to townplanning which maintains conservation efforts while preserving the cultural, economic and architectural values.
iii)Understanding the lectures in the subjects offered at the university, which would be methodology of conservation, conservation in the theory and history aspect, new design in the old setting, planning procedure, material conservation of traditional buildings and conservation of finishes.
Generally, the flow of this research is made up of several level of implementation, as per the sequence:-
i) Determining the title and objective of the research
ii) Constructing the research methodology
iii) Data analysis and discovery
iv) Conclusion and proposal
8.0 Justification And Significance of Research“A good heritage conservation strategy should also have well-being and human security as some of its eventual goals for the local community.”Generally, the government buildings and facilities in the public sector are government office premises, hospitals, schools, army camps, police stations, universities, sports complexes and etc. These premises require proper maintenance method to ensure the functionality of each of these buildings won’t be disrupted.
The Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia had given his view that the maintenance of public facilities is not up to satisfactory level. He opined that Malaysia has the “first world infrastructure but third world mentality”. In fact, the government would be seen as wasting the nation’s money for providing the most advanced infrastructure but fails to also provide proper maintenance.
Unsatisfactory maintenance will cost the government more money for rectification and inconvenience to the public, as well as causing negative presumption of the foreign investors and tourists towards the facilities maintenance of the country. (Misnistry of Housing and Local Government, 2003).
Government buildings and facilities are the nation’s assets that must be well managed. Failing to provide good maintenance to the government offices will give an impact in government’s efficiency in managing the country. Thus, it is important for all to stress on efficient facility maintenance management in the public sector as to ensure a more quality life for all.
This research is imperative as the Public Works Department had stressed in its Strategic Framework 2007-2010 on the moving forward plan to be a world-class provider and centre of excellence in asset management, project management and engineering services for the development of nation’s infrastructure.
The Strategic Framework has been implemented by having professionals in various expertise to fulfil the competency required such as asset management, as contained in the human capital competency development strategy plan. To better enhance this strategy plan, this research is aimed towards a more specific conservation which involves a tremendous architecture discipline that is still lacking in Public Works Department and even, the country. In short, specification in conservation is significant to establish the desired number of expert professionals and it is part of physical facility asset management involving the government’s heritage buildings.
It is also hoped that this research could propose for a policy or bill of conservation towards government heritage buildings be enforced. This is to preserve the building’s aesthetic values, sense of culture and identity as well as to avoid higher spending on rectification in future.
9.0 RujukanJKR Strategic Frameworks 2007-2010
Pekeliling Am Bil. 1 Tahun 2003
Arahan Penyelenggaraan Bangunan Kerajaan Di Putrajaya
Ucapan oleh Ketua Pengarah Kerja Raya Malaysia,September 2006., September 2006.
ICOMOS (2002). Conservation Guidelines for Building Surveyors. Australia ICOMOS, Victoria.
Hawkins, J.M. (2004). Kamus Dwibahasa Oxford-Fajar. Penerbit Fajar Bakti, Selangor.
Fielden, B.M. (1994). Conservation of Historic Buildings. Architectural Press, Oxford.
Idid, S.Z. (1995). Pemeliharaan Warisan Rupa Bandar. Badan Warisan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
Building Conservation Site by Dr. A. Ghafar Ahmad